Healthy Air Force Organizational Culture: Appraisal Scheme
Another aspect of the initiative deriving from the establishment of strong leadership is an appraisal scheme allowing to improve officers’ performance through appropriate rewards. Moreover, this solution will be beneficial for demonstrating the link between Air Force’s vision and employees’ duties contributing to its fulfillment (Schein, 2010). The principal idea for management is dividing achieved goals regarding their results or, in other words, creating a system classifying the achievements as successful or insufficient for the objectives. The former will be rewarded accordingly, and the latter will be used as examples of outcomes to avoid in the future.
Healthy Air Force Organizational Culture: Training of Officers
The following approach to establishing an effective organizational culture is corresponding training of officers. Considering the need to facilitate the adoption of new rules under this initiative, management programs intended to promote proper behavioral patterns would be beneficially complemented by additional efforts to instill essential values connected to service. Their outcomes will be monitored through observations as per the theory of culture levels, according to which behavior is congruent with such artifacts as norms and goals (Schein, 2010). In this way, employees’ cultural education within the scope of the Air Force’s leadership and actions are to be appraised or punished.
Healthy Air Force Organizational Culture: Effective Communication Strategy
The methods of creating a culture for the Air Force should be underpinned by employees’ motivation to follow them. To address this task, the managers should coordinate officers and supervisors’ actions to ensure the lack of conflicts or obstacles to transmitting the information. The theoretical underpinning of reasonability of measures in this direction is connected to the nature of human relationships. According to it, people tend to relate to one another only if their group’s environment is safe, comfortable, and productive (Schein, 2010). Therefore, the development of a communication strategy considering this principle while eliminating the existing issues will be advantageous.
Healthy Air Force Organizational Culture: Continuous Performance Assessment
It is vital not only to reward or punish employees but also to keep track of their performance in the long run. For this, the outcomes of decisions should be continuously evaluated and reported to managers. This approach will increase their awareness of the necessity to comply with rules instead of receiving benefits for single achievements. Moreover, leadership behavior as the principal objective cannot be revealed through the assessment of short-term successes. As follows from the theory, a rapid change of organizational culture implies the continuous influence of values and norms (Schein, 2010). Hence, conducting regular activity assessments can adequately address this task.
Unhealthy Air Force Organizational Culture: Managers’ Failure to Support Values
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