In fact, I am sure that the integration of alternative organizational change models critically depends on the cooperation between all staff members, managers, and leaders with the pivotal aim to achieve high understanding levels and create the basis for the desired change. I should also state that the innovative or new concepts offered in time can help to avoid significant deterioration of the situation and promote the desired transformation by utilizing other resources that are available at the moment. For this reason, their integration with the work of the company is always given special attention.

Cogitating about the given process, I should outline the fact that in the majority of cases, it becomes unexpected due to the peculiarities of the whole change stage and previous planning. That is why it can also seem stressful and even threatening to workers who do not know what to expect and how to react to the proposed alteration. For this reason, one of the main leader’s or manager’s tasks is to ensure that employees are ready for the integration of the proposed model and they will be able to work under new conditions. It can be achieved via the assessment of their moods, knowledge, and skills that will indicate the existing problems and provide information on how to solve them.

At the same time, the achievement of the desired result via the integration of these models with practice can also become challenging because of the barriers such as poor understanding, low motivation, and inappropriate choice of strategies. That is why it is critical to eliminate these issues while imitating the procedure.

Theories and Principles/Abstract Conceptualization

Speaking about the introduction of alternative change models and theories, it is critical to consider the fact that they might be complex for people who do not realize the existence of the need for them. At the same time, the implementation of new theories should be justified by the arising barriers or problematic issues that should be overcome. That is why it is fundamental to ensure the existence of the appropriate attitude to the proposed models.

Theory 1

First of all, motivation theories can be considered applicable here. The fact is that the effectiveness of the introduction of alternative theories depends on the way that they are accepted by workers and their desire to engage in a new process (Webster, 2017; Maslow, 2013). For this reason, it becomes critical to refer to Maslow’s hierarchy or any other motivational paradigm to ensure that the proposed course of action is accepted by the majority.

Theory 2

The second theory that can be applied in the given context is Taylor’s scientific management approach that presupposes the extensive use of innovative ideas and new visions that might guarantee the income of new concepts effective in the new environment (McGrath & Bates, 2017). For this reason, the theory can be utilized regarding the existing purpose.

Theory 3

There is also an opportunity to use classical management theory to show the possible maximization of profit and new opportunities available due to the utilization of some innovative approaches.


In such a way, these paradigms can be utilized to justify the shift to alternative change models and achieve appropriate results while managing the company that has entered the change phase.

Testing and Application/Active Experimentation

Implementation of the first theory can be considered a guaranty of the future success of the proposed model because of its ability to satisfy employees’ needs for personal and professional development. In other words, involving in the proposed change process, they will be able to acquire benefits needed for the achievement of the next level.

As for the scientific management theory, I can utilize it by explaining to workers the critical need for the use of innovative theories to avoid stagnation and guarantee the ability to preserve leading positions by adhering to the most innovative methods. That is why an alternative change model can become an appropriate solution.

Finally, the last model can help to create the basis for the successful management of the company and the generation of resources that might be needed in the future to shift to the alternative model and precondition improved results of the transformation.


Maslow, A. (2013). A theory of human motivation. New York, NY: Martino Fine Books.

McGrath, J., & Bates, B. (2017). The little book of big management theories:… and how to use them (2nd ed.). Harlow, UK: FT Press.

Webster, A. (2017).