Engaging Consumers in Cyber Security. Journal of Internet Law, 21(8), 13-15. Web.
The author gives an account of the current consumer protection mode and terms them ineffective and not comprehensive to protect against cybercrimes (Theresa, 2018). The articles advocate for full measures and strategies to be put in place to protect and enhance data security. The author agrees with the idea of a transition from using analogue methods of protection of embrace the digital and internet systems that are comprehensive and secure approaches. There is no way an attacker will use computerized technologies to attack data in an organization, and the business responds using an analogue system (Theresa, 2018). The traditional manual method is non-functional because it has limited capacity in securing computer networks making the system prone to external attacks. The author agrees with the thesis that there is a need to develop models of cybersecurity because there is no globally accepted guide to control and mitigate cyber-crime related attacks (Theresa, 2018). Companies should move from manual measures to incorporate digital approaches that are reliable and effective. Theresa agrees that most organizations focus on developing internal processes of dealing with cybersecurity.
">Phillips, R., & Tanner, B. (2019). Breaking down silos between business continuity and cyber security. Journal of business continuity & emergency planning, 12(3), 224-232. PMID: 30857581
Philip and Turner’s article supports the claim that cyber threats are an increasing concern in the world. Many businesses are currently facing cybercrime challenges and the efforts to solve the threats are becoming a major concern. The businesses are continuously looking for ideas that can help mitigate the cyber-attacks to facilitate their operations and stay in the market. Philip and Turner explain that cybercrimes do not target specific business industries, thus becomes difficult to know which sector and what time the attackers may strike (Phillips & Turner, 2019). Therefore, organizations need to be prepared for an eventual attack on their systems. The companies usually get ready for the positive impacts of protecting their computer networks from attacks that may damage data and operations (Phillips & Turner, 2019). A cyber-attack may mean losses to the business, access to internal information by the attacker, who may share confidential information about the firm to the general population. Besides, cyberattacks have led to a loss of assets and finances through theft.
Schia, N. (2018). The Cyber Frontier and Digital Pitfalls in the Global South. Third World Quarterly, 821-837. Web.
Schia examines digitalization as a new global source of connection and disconnection. She also highlights the disadvantages of the digital era and cyber culture. Schia mentions that digitalization has focused on the importance of connecting people through social networks that increase the threat of attacks from internal and external internet users (Schia, 2018). Digitalization has opened opportunities for countries and individuals to access information about another in the internet sources. The practice has caused many companies to experience data breach and attack from unauthorized personnel who can do it out of malice (Schia, 2018). Many companies have lost their place in the market because of failure to address the issue of cybersecurity. Governments and businesses have partnered together to develop strategies of mitigating and preventing cyberattacks as a way of keeping the telecommunication networks secure.
Crumpler, W., & Lewis, J. A. (2019). The cybersecurity workforce gap (p. 10). Washington, DC, USA: Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). Web.
The article investigates the shortage of cybersecurity specialists that the United States faces. The authors track the dynamic of supply and demand of cybersecurity professionals on the job market and identified that the shortage tends to increase when the numbers between the 2015 and 2022 are compared. With the evident difference in supply and demand, Crumpler and Lewis investigate the reasons of such a tendency. For example, one of the reasons that is established by the article is the growing digitalization of public and private sector of business. Nearly every organization in the United States has its digital representation and runs its operations digitallym which makes it vulnerable to the data breaches or cyberattacks. Secondly, the education system fails to meet the demands of the modern employers. The evidence obtained in the article showcase that y, “employers increasingly are concerned about the relevance of cybersecurity-related education programs in meeting the needs of their organizations.” (Crumpler & Lewis, 2019). The rate of the candidates that are qualified enough to meet the demands of the employer after receiving the education is less than a half. Therefore, such numbers are concerning as lack of cybersecurity can pose dangers to the future of the United States as digital aspects of businesses and homeland security are vulnerable to cyber-attacks and other threats.
de Bruijn, H., & Janssen, M. (2017). Building cybersecurity awareness: The need for evidence-based framing strategies. Government Information Quarterly, 34(1), 1-7. Web.
De Bruijin and Janssen consider cybersecurity as a global phenomenon that represents a social and technological challenge to governments and organizations. Many authors have expressed the issue as a challenge that many individuals are aware of and are working towards combating it (de Bruijn & Janssen, 2017). Howeve
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