The advance practice role will be in the specialty field of psychiatry.The setting of this role will mostly take place in the hospital setting.It may also take place in a community setting such as a clinic or office.The phenomenon of interest (POI) is workplace violence prevention. This is primarily focused on the violent and aggressive behavior of the patient towards nursing staff.The relevance of the POI is personally significant to me because I experience patient violence on a regular basis. Ideological Influences Primary Philosophic Viewpoint My primary philosophical viewpoint of the POI is most easily identified with Continental philosophy which is a qualitative viewpoint.This is because patient violence is a human experience that is subjective in nature and not able to be quantified.The goal of this viewpoint is to gain an understanding of that experience (Butts & Rich, 2018).Interpretation of a subjective experience is difficult to do without scientific methods of analysis.For this reason, any qualitative data obtained could not be organized well enough in relation to qualitative data which hinders its usefulness when applied to new situations.However, you must consider that nurses approach care from a holistic standpoint which requires knowledge that extends beyond what can be proven scientifically (Rutty, 1998

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