Nursing is a profession that is growing at a fast rate. The kind of education that the nurses received during the twentieth century is no longer sufficient to handle the health care requirements of today. With influence from technology, the medical field has moved forward. Besides, technological advancement, the health care setting and patient needs have become more complex, requiring nurses to seek more education for safe and quality health care. According to Blegen, Vaughn and Goode (2001), better education is one of the factors that make nurses lower patient fall rates and medication errors. This paper further discusses the work of Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Committee initiative in the Future of Nursing, identifies the importance of Institute of Medicine in the Future of Nursing Report as well as the role played by state-based action coalitions in America.
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Robert Wood Johnson Foundation is the biggest philanthropy in America, focusing purely on health and utilizing grants to improve the Americans’ health and health care. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) called stakeholders to present papers that examine, debate, and discuss feasible solutions to the vast number of complex health issues that face the U.S. In 2008, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation partnered with the Institute of Medicine (IOM) in creating Robert Wood Johnson Foundation initiative. The central role of the RWJF initiative was to carry out primary research with the aim of bringing into being a transformational report on the future of nursing in America.
Secondly, the RWJF initiative was to examine the size of the nursing personnel that meets the demands of a changed public health care system. Thirdly, the committee was to come up with a set of gallant national recommendations, as well as those that deal with the provision of services in a shortage staff setting and the capability of the nursing education system. The committee would delineate a clear agenda and proposal for action including the transformation of institutional and public policies at local to national levels (IOM, 2011).
Concerning the recommendations, the committee was to scrutinize and give suggestions. These recommendations were to address specific issues such as identifying fundamental duties for nurses as well as developing efficient and effective health care system (IOM, 2011).
The committee came up with four main messages. The first one was that nurses were to be allowed to practice to the full level of their training. Secondly, nurses were to achieve advanced levels of education and training. Thirdly, nurses were to be partners with doctors and other health care professionals in redesigning health care in the U.S. Finally, for efficient workforce planning and policy making, there was a need for better information and data collection infrastructure. Once put together, the report was going to act as an outline for the actions and steps to follow for an enhanced nursing profession (IOM, 2011).
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The IOM Future of Nursing report is important in the nursing practice because it calls for nurses playing a bigger role in America’s complex health care system. According to the American Nurses Association (2016), the Association (ANA) highly lauded the IOM for its newly released report on the nursing profession and accepted the need for nurses to take a leadership role in all settings to meet the demands of America’s changing health care system.
The report’s recommendations revolve around four key messages from which registered nurses, prepared at any level, can pick something. Aiken (2011) asserts that the IOM report recommended that the ratio of nurses in America holding, at least, a bachelor’s degree be raised from the current 50 percent to 80 percent by 2020. The recommendations were to be followed entirely, meaning that there would be well-trained workforce in America for some years to come. Johnson et al. (2012) add that the IOM report on the Future of Nursing has not challenged the nursing profession alone but the entire health care industry. After releasing the report on the future of nursing in 2010, there was a need for action to ensure that the report and its recommendations got implemented fully. This led to the creation of sta
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