Microplastics and Environmental Health
Currently, the world faces a period of rapid changes with technological developments revolutionizing the way people live and, simultaneously, leading humankind to the global catastrophe of resource scarcity and climate change. The environment suffers from microplastics (further referred to as MPs) released by the degraded synthetic clothing, cosmetics, plastic bags, bottles, and containers. Although plastic products are already an essential part of people’s lives, they pose a serious environmental threat in the form of MPs articles damaging the biosphere’s health.
MPs formation
The Problem of Plastic Waste
Products made of plastic are popular due to the presence of their different types and the ability to take all sorts of sizes, colors, and shapes. Plastic might be produced from such natural materials as oil and coal, and it is not biodegradable. Hence, it can harm the environment for centuries. Annually, about 400 million tons of plastics are manufactured, and approximately 160 million tons of them are single-use plastic (“What Is the Problem”). Over eight million tons of plastic garbage enter the oceans, escaping from the land around the globe, primarily from beaches and ships or carried by the rivers. For example, “every day seven million cardboard coffee cups are thrown away but only one in 400 are recycled” (“What Is the Problem”). Not all types of plastic might be recycled due to the techniques by which it is produced or the high cost and complexity of recycling.
MPs Forming Process
MPs are tiny plastic particle with a diameter of less than five mm that appears as a result of the larger plastics breakdown or commercial product development. It is a significant pollutant posing a threat to animal health and the environment. There are primary
(commercial use including cosmetics, microfibers shed from textiles like fishing nets, and others) and secondary (for example, the breakdown of plastic bottles) categories of plastic (“Microplastics”). The so-called breakdown secondary category results from the plastic’s exposure to ocean waves, sun radiation, and other environmental factors.
Particle Absorption by Animals
From plankton to whales, from commercial seafood to drinking water, different marine organisms contain MPs. It is noteworthy that the typical water treatment facilities are unable to remove all the MPs particles, which, in turn, often bind with various harmful chemicals before marine organisms ingest them. Nevertheless, most countries struggle to reduce MPs contamination in the environment. In 2017, the United Nations resolution addressed MPs and the regulations needed to reduce their impact on human health, wildlife, and oceans (“What Is the Problem”). Yet, there is no firm scientific evidence whether MPs consumption damages animal or human health and the real threats they might pose.
Threat to Human
Danger of Transmission on Trophic Chains
The MPs trophic transfer process, for instance, in top marine predators, is currently poorly understood. The in nature studies practical limitations were resolved by the use of wild fish caught in captive seals. The extensive contamination controls revealed that “half of the scat sub-samples and a third of fish contained 1–4 MPs” (Nelms et al.). Hence, it is likely that trophic transfer is a major, although indirect, MPs ingestion pathway.
Scientific Evidence
The point is that MPs are significantly bioavailable both through direct ingestion and indirect trophic transfer from the prey. Although the latter was studied in laboratories for low-trophic level organisms, there is still a lack of empirical evidence in terms of high-trophic taxa. Differentiating between indirectly and directly ingested MPs is the primary difficulty of in nature studies. In the survey conducted by Nelms et al., the researches resolved the issue through analyzing the scat’s (Halichoerus grypus) sub-samples and the Atlantic mackerel’s (Scomber scombrus) whole digestive tracts. The excess organic material was removed utilizing the enzymatic digestion protocol. Hence, synthetic particles could be visually detected without damaging them. FTIR (Fourier-Transform Infrared) spectroscopy was used to confirm the polymer type. Nelms et al. concluded that “trophic transfer represents an indirect, yet potentially major, the pathway of microplastic ingestion for any species whose feeding ecology involves the consumption of whole prey.” The resolution of limitations was hindered by the ethical constraints lying is subjecting large marine organisms to laboratory investigations.
Additional Problem with MPs
Sorption of Toxic Substances
In terms of toxic substances sorption, “the octanol-water partition
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