Nursing Student’s College Experience

Learning something new is a hard issue, especially if you try to acquire knowledge and experience that will help to build a successful career and become an outstanding specialist. The task becomes even more complicated if a person wants to work in the healthcare sector. The price of a mistake is high here, and every piece of knowledge is crucial for the enhanced performance and health workers ability to help patients and assist in their recovery (ANA 11). That is why I perfectly realize the unique importance of my college experience and the role it will play in my future life.

I should say that being a nursing student is a hard journey as you face numerous challenges and obstacles that alter your mentality and result in the formation of a particular perspective on your occupation. That is why I am sure that reconsideration of my values and acceptance of responsibility are the most significant parts of my college experience. Now, I am another person who understands the unique importance of nursing and the role it plays in the modern healthcare sector.

This change to a greater degree is preconditioned by the new knowledge I acquire every day. It is another fundamental part of my college experience. There is hardly an occupation as demanding of information as nursing. A good specialist should possess enormous amounts of data to work effectively and provide patients with services and care they need (Potter 13). That is why I think that the ability to acquire, process, and comprehend new information is central for a specialist working in this sphere. For that very reason, studying and constant acquisition of knowledge are other significant parts of my college experience. I am sure that it helps to create the basis for my future career and provides me with approaches I will be able to utilize in practice.

At the same time, I also recognized the fact that in their work nurses often faces problems that should be investigated to find an appropriate solution and assist a patient in his/her recovery. That is why the research work should become a significant part of my experience, and I hope that college will provide me with the opportunity to master my skills in this sphere to become an outstanding specialist who really contributes to the development of nursing science and provides colleagues with new methods to cope with diverse health issues that might appear. I also hope that studying at college I will be able to acquire and master the practical skills that will help me to work effectively.

Altogether, studying at a college might be challenging; however, it is one of the most significant and pleasant experiences as you realize the importance of the information you acquire and a role it plays in a future career. Additionally, new friends who face the same problems make the process easier as they support me. In conclusion, I think that college will give me all I need to become a good specialist.

Works Cited

American Nurses Association (ANA). Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice. American Nurses Association, 2015.

Potter, Patricia, et al. Fundamentals of Nursing. Mosby, 2016.

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