Students' misconceptions in Psychology:How you ask matters... sometimes 1. Research Question or Problem Taylor and Kowalski (2012) quickly identified the problem that introductory psychology students have preconceived misconceptions (p. 62). There were several other issues identified: accuracy of methods of assessment, ability to learn following misconceptions, and how to change student misconceptions.(p. 62-65)The research was conducted to determine the students' misconceptions, and examining the accuracy of assessment comparing two methods of evaluation.(p. 65) 2. Introduction More than a dozen different sources were cited in the introduction.The research of (Bransford, Brown, & Cocking, 2000) explored cognitive psychology, providing insight that learning is an active process. Taylor and Kowalski (2012) built upon preexisting research about the difficulties in building new knowledge off of false information, indicating that is easier to start off with having no information on a subject.(Lipson, 1982)
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