Project Topic Give a brief explanation of your topic.

QSEN Competency (example, Patient-centered Care)
For my Clinical Practice Project (CPP), I have chosen to focus on bedside care handoff between nurses. Thorough bedside care handoff is crucial for the safety and wellbeing of patients. Bedside care handoff can help reduce errors and ensure thorough communication. Safety

QSEN Definition Define your QSEN Competency in your own words (paraphrase) using the web site>competencies>graduate KSAS, (example for competency Patient-Centered Care the definition on the web site is Recognize the patient or designee as the source of control and full partner in providing compassionate and coordinated care based on respect for patient’s preferences, values, and needs—take this information then write your definition in your own words (paraphrasing, remember to cite the QSEN site).

The competency that closely relates to my topic is that of safety. The safety competency helps to minimize risk of harm to patients and providers through both system effectiveness and individual performance

List two Knowledge/Skills/Attitudes (KSAs)- use two each (Knowledge/skills/attitudes) from the web site which are listed under your chosen competency that you think will help you to meet your selected competency. Then write your KSAS in your own words (paraphrasing/editing related to your specific project—remember to cite the QSEN site).

Knowledge Skills Attitudes

Patient Centered Care- Focusing on the importance of active involvement with families of patients to provide safe and effective quality of care.

Patient Centered Care- Create a list of strategies that will promote and encourage patient and families to be a part of plan of care.

Patient Centered Care- Encourage patients to actively partake in ADLs as well as being able to reiterate education provided about self-care and safety.

Evidence Based Practice – Always provided a plan of care that is based on the patient’s needs. Include patient when creating plan of care. Seek evidence.

Patient Centered Care- Be open minded and encourage patient to provide valuable input on health and symptoms

Quality Improvement- Always provide continuous quality improvement with every patient.

Discuss Health Care Organization (this is not the facility/organization where you are implementing your project, may be a nursing organization, or any organization which sets standards, conducts research, or publishes evidence based literature in relation to your topic) that will help support your project. Discussion should include the mission/values of the organization (in your own words). Provide citations and references (no direct quotes).

The organization I chose to help support my projects goals and outcomes is the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s mission is to produce evidence to make health care safer, higher quality, more accessible, equitable, and affordable, and to work within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and with other partners to make sure that the evidence is understood and used (Mission & Budget, 2020).

The AHRQ will greatly support my project topic due to creating the Nurse Bedside Shift Report Implementation Handbook. This is a twenty-page handbook, which can be located online. This handbook focuses on improving quality of care during nurse shift changes through implementing strategies to ensure the safe handoff of care between nurses by involving the patient and family.


Mission and Budget. (2020). Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD. https //

Global Objective the purpose of a global objective is to provide a vision for your overall project-what are you developing and implementing-what is your expected impact on patient outcome? It should be broadly stated-in one sentence. (Do Not Use Any Abbreviations)

My global objective for this project is to educate nurses on the importance of a thorough bedside care handoff between nurses.Project Objectives Now your global objective should be broken down into more focused steps. Be sure your Project Objectives support your Global Objective!

How will you achieve your global objective? Be specific. Write 4 Project Objectives…objectives should start with an action verb! (Do Not Use Any Abbreviations) For example; Research on:

Develop a tool/guide/protocol/policy/process to…Develop and present education to staff on new tool…Implement new tool on

___number (the number should be adequate to meet your m

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