Identification of Potential Vulnerabilities
The first step for SMBI to overcome cyber-security threats is to have a proper mechanism for identifying most of the possible vulnerabilities. This approach will allow the involved team to plan for the best response strategy. The first part of the identification plan is developing a team comprised of competent information technology (IT) professionals. This department at SMBI will then need the right tools and systems to pursue their goals. The team will then develop a checklist for inventorying most of the network assets. This approach will define the operating systems in place, their usage periods, and type of Internet in application (Yusif and Hafeez-Baig 4). The team will also be aware of the servers and authentication procedures. The next step of the threat identification model is examining some of the loopholes that attackers could capitalize on. These gaps will ensure that the individuals understand the possible threats SMBI is facing.
The third step for successful identification of vulnerabilities is formulating an intelligence framework. The specific plan should consider these attributes: what needs to receive proper protection mechanisms, goals for network stability and security, possible sources of threat, potential protections, and intelligence team for monitoring emerging threats and strategies different hackers use (Sawyer and Emmett 26). The involved of skilled IT workers would result in increased vigilance. The team will be aware of the potential risks and come up with the most appropriate identification plan. The emerging information from the framework will, therefore, form the basis for preparedness and response mechanisms to any implemented cyber attack.
Proposed Strategic Plan
The proposed strategic plan for overcoming the challenges of cyber attacks at SMBI is informed by the findings and revelations emerging from different publications. For this organization, it is appropriate that proper governance and policy initiatives are integrated in the wider cyber-security framework. The first attribute is for the responsible department to ensure that data security is part of the wider strategic plan (Yusif and Hafeez-Baig 7). Top managers at SMBI need to have a clear understanding of security risks and breaches. They will then partner with IT specialists to understand how a cloud computing organization’s business model attracts numerous security threats. These leaders need to appreciate the fact that it is impossible to eliminate cyber-related attacks and risks.
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As part of the governance strategy, the company will launch programs aimed at equipping all workers with information about the possible sources of attacks. These stakeholders will appreciate and understand such risks. They will then be involved to engage in desirable practices and work procedures that do not increase chances of attacks (Yusif and Hafeez-Baig 7). For example, workers would need to verify the origin of messages, emails, and run virus scans before opening them. They will also need to crosscheck their network programs and ensure that they are updated with the latest anti-phishing software. The organization will begin by formulating a compliance strategy for all leaders and workers. This governance approach will contribute significantly to increased preparedness.
The managers at SMBI will consider the power of continuous workshops whereby all employees will receive additional guidelines for keeping cyber security updated and alive. The concept of governance will be founded on discipline, accountability, fairness, and transparency. Internal participants at SMBI will need to share ideas, engage each other, and support a standardized model for identifying and addressing possible risks. The company will have the right department in place to enforce response mechanisms (Sawyer and Emmett 25). Additionally, someone needs to occupy a senior position to guide all followers and offer oversight. He or she will be involved to identify additional opportunities for expanding the strategic plan in place against potential cyber threats.
The concept of continuous improvement needs to be part of the cyber response policy practice. The management will recruit competent individuals who will be completing timely assessments of the established network systems and identify some of the emerging risks. This practice is critical because the global community is experiencing different forms of viruses, malware, and phishing techniques every new day (Sawyer and Emmett 24). This description means that the strategy in plan needs to remain f
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