One can make “promotional tweets” for advertising, which will have a unique marker on which only interested users will stop. In addition, the label “promotional tweet” itself as if it were an indication of honesty to customers. After all, the brand could use the technique of “clickbait,” thereby taking time from the reader of the post, which can cause an adverse reaction on his part. In order to help develop an account for a business, Twitter offers a Promoted account service. The competent development of the report, which has the edge between seriousness with a drop of humor, will be more attractive than accounts with dry information about goods or services provided by the brand (Al Amri, 2020). In addition, such an account will always be on the ear because people will share funny posts, tweeting them, thus sharing the account with their subscribers. The site has a large number of tools for doing business.

Despite the number of advantages of using the site for business, of course, it has its disadvantages. First of all, it is the start of the development of the brand, which requires a considerable investment of money and effort, search staff who will deal with SEO branding and analytics of attendance. The first time the company’s posts can get lost in the millions of others, even using the same hashtags. Then you can include huge competition in the problem because large companies have long had their accounts, audience, and reach. In addition to the competition, one shouldn’t forget that Twitter is an online platform that sometimes crashes. Crashes in Twitter’s servers, and bugs in the code, can reduce the number of followers or the same audience coverage. At the same time, some companies use unfair promotion methods, using bots or clickbait headlines. Bots can be used on account of their competitors, and then they can complain to technical support to have their account removed.

Social media has taken a crucial role in our lives. Through them, we communicate with our loved ones, find out news about the world, and watch entertainment content. We can say that they have become a modern television in which a person spends most of his free time. With this in mind, mass culture has moved smoothly into social media, including Twitter (Al Amri, 2020). On the platform, everyone can find accounts, news, and entertainment content to their liking, from serious news to humor, science pop, and other entertaining, educational resources.

It is no wonder that since time appeared, accounts of famous personalities such as Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and other prominent businessmen, who, in addition to their businesses, share their impressions on certain events. Famous people use Twitter not only for their promotion but also as a platform for scandalous statements. For this reason, the concept of “Cancellation Culture” first appeared, followed by the term “Black Twitter”.

The culture of cancellation is a boycott of a specific person or company. For example, we can remember how Donald Trump’s account was banned and who repeatedly used Twitter to make scandalous statements about controversial topics. The account of the former U.S. president was banned three days after his constituents stormed the Capitol. This whole situation perfectly describes how one person’s statement on a social platform can affect the decision of a mass of people. Moreover, a case in point is the story of Disney and actress Gina Karana, who played the Mandalorian series. The reason for breaking the contract was unflattering posts of the actress on Twitter regarding wearing masks and the U.S. presidential election.

In addition to statements by famous personalities, less popular people can create their own movement and publicize it to the whole site. For example, the hashtag #MeToo was launched in 2017 by victims of sexual harassment by film director Harvey Weinstein. Actresses, camera crew members, assistants, and other personnel who were somehow harmed by the director’s actions gave the cases massive publicity. As a consequence, Harvey Weinstein was sentenced to 23 years in prison, deprived of all awards from the film academies in general, and the cancellation of the director as a creative unit. The hashtag itself is used to this day, in which women and men can share their painful experiences, get support from others and call to account people who have either abused them. Twitter and other social platforms have long influenced the culture and opinions of the masses, politics, and companies.

As of December 3, 2021, Twitter is undergoing radical changes, namely a change in the company’s leadership. The new CEO is Parag Agrawal, who, with his arrival, announced a complete overhaul of the company’s organization. At the heart of the reorganization is the transition to a management model of the gene

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